You can now book your space for the 2022 GreenPort Cruise & Congress conference hosted by Port of Zeebrugge. This will be the 17th addition and will take place 18-20 October 2022 in Bruges.

The two-day conference provides decision makers from the port community - port authorities, terminal operators, shipping lines, logistics companies - with a meeting place to both learn about and discuss the latest in sustainable development and environmental practice to enable them to effectively implement the changes needed to reduce their carbon footprint and to be more sensitive to environmental considerations.

This year’s conference will cover a range of themes including Fuel and energy provision for shipping, sustainable cruise projects in aid of being carbon neutral by 2050, environmental cruise ships, Sustainable Partnerships and how to get ready for regulatory changes including Fit for 55 and EU Taxonomy.

Delegate places for the combined event include the following:

  • Choice of conference streams including GreenPort Cruise on day 1
  • Two-day conference attendance at GreenPort Congress
  • Full documentation in electronic format
  • Lunch and refreshments throughout
  • Place at the Welcome Reception
  • Place at the Gala Dinner
  • Place at the Port Tour

For a limited period of time, we are now offering an early bird discount. You can save 20% if you book using the discount code GPCEARLY for discounts on Combined rates and GPCrEARLY for discounts on Cruise rates saving up to 410€.

To book your place, visit our website and enter the code GPCEARLY or GPCrEARLY at the checkout to redeem the discount. Alternatively, please call our team on +44 1329 825335 or email