GreenPort Congress & Cruise Conference Programme

Please see below the programme for GreenPort Congress & Cruise 2024, hosted by HAROPA Port. 

Click here to download a PDF Version of the Programme

Places at GreenPort Congress included two day conference attendance, with the choice to attend the cruise stream or the congress stream on day one, a place at the welcome reception, a place at the conference dinner, lunch and refreshments throughout, full documentation in electronic format and a place on the Port Tour.

For further information about GreenPort Cruise Conference and GreenPort Congress, email  or call the Events team on +44 1329 825335.

Tuesday 22 October 2024



Welcome Reception - Hosted by the HAROPA Port

Day One - Congress & Cruise, Wednesday, 23rd October 2024

08:30Coffee & Registration  


Opening by Chairman/Moderator

Christopher Wooldridge, Science Coordinator EcoPorts EcoSLC


Welcome Address by Haropa Port

Stephane Raison, Director General, HAROPA Port


Building a Sustainable Future: Priorities & Challenges for Meeting Net-Zero
Insight into the ports sector on topics that scope measures that can control and reduce energy consumption in ports, strategies for decarbonisation through green hydrogen and CO2 capture, and ways to define the impacts of climate change and collectively build regional resilience. Speakers include: Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General, ESPO; Antonis Michail, Techincal Director IAPH & WPSP, IAPH; Lamia Kerdjoudj, Secretary General, FePORT; Stephane Raison, Director General, HAROPA Port; Nicolette van der Jagt, Director General, CLECAT. 


Coffee & Networking

Session 1: Congress & Cruise

Electrification of Ports

Hear about the latest developments in the electrification of ports, cruise terminals and equipment.


Electrification of Ports, Cruise Terminals & Equipment

Hervé Geraud, Onshore Power Supply Expert, HAROPA Port


Onshore Power Supply: The Business Case

Roland Teixeira MRICS 6σ, President, EOPSA

EOPSA’s 2024 strategy focuses on the business case and bankability of OPS, converging energy, maritime, and port experts to create a versatile, financially viable model, featuring the Cherbourg Port Microgrid.


Scaling Customized Shore Power

Speaker to be confirmed, PowerCon

How PowerCon uses standardized modules to create customized shore power solutions for ports world-wide


How to Solve the ‘Connection Dilemma’

Martin Tiling, Head of Shorepower, igus GmbH

Best practices from the Port of Hamburg becoming Europe’s shore power pioneer


Question & Answer Session


Lunch & Networking

Session 2.1: Congress Stream

Green Corridors

An update on recent projects and developments on creating green corridors.


Green Corridors - update on recent developments and case studies 

Megan Turner, Environment and Sustainability Manager, Port of Dover

In 2023, the Port of Dover led a feasibility study for a Green Corridor with Calais/Dunkirk, focusing on energy pathways, regulations, grid upgrades, and universal charging infrastructure.


Green Corridors – moving from promises to real action

Edvard Molitor, Head of International Public Affairs and Sustainability, Port of Gothenburg

A look into the rapid growth of global green corridor projects, highlighting the Port of Gothenburg’s pioneering biofuel and ammonia initiatives, emphasizing collaboration, challenges, and lessons in achieving sustainable shipping.


Validation of an Irish Sea Green Shipping Corridor

Richard Willis, Technical Director, Royal HaskoningDHV

This presentation outlines pilot projects for a green shipping corridor, detailing strategic steps, funding, and leadership needed for successful low-carbon shipping initiatives.


Speaker to be announced


Question & Answer Session


Coffee & Networking

Session 2.2: Cruise Stream

Decarbonising Cruising: Sustainability Investments & Projects

A chance to hear from experts on the latest sustainability investments and the work being done to tackle the environmental, social and economic impacts of cruise operations.


Future environmental solutions for Mediterranean ports. From European legislation to environmental strategic plans.

Valeria Mangiarotti, Marketing Manager, Port System Authority of the Sardinian Sea

European directive and regulations about the environment and the concrete solutions of the mediterranean ports.


The Port of Helsinki - A carbon-neutral port

Jamil Ouazzani, Director of Marketing & Strategic Intelligence, SGPTV SA (Tangier City Port Management Company)


Speaker to be announced


Speaker to be announced


Question & Answer Session


Coffee & Networking

Session 3.1: Congress Stream

Resourcing the Transition to Sustainability

Are all ports equal? A look at seaports vs. inland enabling practicable implementation options for compliance, cost/risk reduction, environmental protection, and sustainability.


Resourcing the Transition to Sustainability

Cedric Virciglio, Strategic Planning Director, HAROPA Port


Port Readiness Level for Marine Fuels Assessment Tool

Antonis Michail, Technical Director IAPH & WPS, IAPH


The Role of Megaports in Climate Change

Marti Puig Duran, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

EU mega ports prioritize climate change, adopting strategies like GHG reduction targets and On-shore Power Supply. The paper highlights implementation challenges, emphasizing stakeholder collaboration for sustainable port management and climate change adaptation.


Green Inland Ports – the way forward

Rob Leeuw van Weenen, Senior Project Manager, Panteia Nederland

Ioanna Kourouniotti, Freight Transport and Ports Consultant, Panteia

This contribution presents the development of an Environmental and Sustainable Management System (ESMS) for European inland ports under the Green Inland Ports project, financed by the European Commission


Question & Answers


Day 1 Roundup with Chair


Conference Close


Session 3.2: Congress Stream

Cruise Infrastructure & Development

An update on the latest projects in cruise infrastructure and development.


Speakers to be confirmed*


Question & Answer Session


Day 1 Roundup with Chair


Conference Close



Day Two - Congress, Thursday 24th October 2024

08:30Coffee & Registration


Opening by Chairman/Moderator

Christopher Wooldridge, Science Coordinator EcoPorts EcoSLC


EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH - ESPO Environmental Report

Anaëlle Boudry, Senior Policy Advisor for Sustainable Development, Energy and Blue Growth, EcoPorts Coordinator, ESPO

ESPO will present the 9th Annual Environmental Report. The ESPO Environmental Report is part of EcoPorts, which is the environmental flagship initiative of European Ports. The Environmental Report provides ESPO and European policymakers with insights on the environmental issues that European ports are working on, and informs the initiatives taken by ESPO.


EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH - ECO SLC Environmental Report

Marti Puig Duran, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Christopher Wooldridge, Science Coordinator EcoPorts EcoSLC, and Visiting Research Fellow, Cardiff University, UK


Question & Answer with Presenters


Coffee & Networking

Session 4.1

Infrastructure Development for Multimodal Services

A look into the adaptations needed to meet decarbonisation goals and address ecological transitions for logistics and supply chains


Infrasructure Development for Multimodal Services

Pierre de Bellabre, Multimodality Project Director, HAROPA Port


Port of Moerdijk: A Multimodal Hub for Europe

Kyra Lemmens, Commercial Manager - Logistics, Port of Moerdijk


Sergio Nardini, Head of Strategic Development, Port of Triest*


Decarbonizing Container Logistics on the River Seine

Ulrich Malchow, Managing Director, Port Feeder Barge

The latest developments at Port Feeder Barge to decarbonize intra port container logistics.


Question & Answer Session


Coffee & Networking

Session 4.2

Financing Decarbonisation

A look at the latest initiatives to put the transition at the heart of port finance models


Sustainable Finance

Lisa Hubert, Investment Director: Sustainable Ocean Fund, Mirova


Subsidy Opportunities

Tim Verhoeven, Projects & Policy Manager Sustainable Shipping, port of Antwerp-Bruges

Managing the variety of subsidy opportunities on a coordinated manner. How the Port of Antwerp – Bruges subsidy desk creates opportunities for the port and its community.


Speaker to be announced



Speaker to be announced


Question & Answer Session


Coffee & Networking

Session 5

Exploring the impact of revised TEN-T Guidelines

(EU Regulation 2024/1679, Adopted on June 13, 2024) and EU Funding on the green transition of the maritime sector


New European Maritime Space

EU TEN-T Coordinator for the European Maritime Space


New TEN-T requirement to better connect the ports with their hinterland

EU TEN-T Coordinator for the North Sea Rhine Mediterranean European Transport Corridor


EU funding support, with a focus on alternative fuels

EU TEN-T Coordinator for the Atlantic European Transport Corrido


Question & Answers


Coffee & Networking

Session 6.1

Successful Port Integration for Meeting Net-Zero

Equitable, international collaboration to benefit communities and the environment.


Loss of Biodiversity – An Underestimated Risk

Malte Siegert, Chairman, NABU Hamburg

Biodiversity is often overlooked in public and political spheres, overshadowed by climate change measures. Ports face challenges balancing economic development and biodiversity, risking severe ecological and economic impacts if biodiversity is neglected.


Confronting the Carbon Giant: Ports as Battlegrounds for Decarbonisation

Sjoerd de Jager, CEO & Co-Founder, PortXchange

Scope 3 emissions, transparency in emissions reporting, and community mobilization for environmental accountability, emphasizing ports’ roles in decarbonization and their impact on global supply chains and climate change efforts.


Activating APM Terminal’s NetZero strategy through local decarbonization roadmaps

Andrea Wiholm, Director and Industrial PhD researcher, Decarbonisation Office APM Terminals

The project developed local decarbonization roadmaps for APM Terminals’ global net zero strategy across eight terminals in nine countries. The presentation covers outcomes and lessons learned from these efforts.


Poole Harbour Decarbonisation Plan

Deanna Cornell, Green and Smart Ports Consultant, RoyalHaskoningDHV

This presentation outlines steps for ports and tenants to eliminate Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, addressing new regulations and compliance risks, and driving impactful change in the industry.


Question & Answer Session


Closing Remarks


End of Conference

Session 6.2

Green Fuel Transition for Port

A review of the progress being made to meet the 2050 goals for decarbonisation and current projects in place


Renewable energy – latest projects contributing to port growth

Kris Danaradjou, Deputy General Manager in Charge of Development, HAROPA Port


Climate Strategies in Baltic Ports

Bogdan Ołdakowski, Secretary General, BPO

Baltic ports’ climate strategies, focusing on EU compliance, decarbonization, electrification, renewable energy, and ESG reporting, highlighting BPO’s role in multi-port decarbonization projects and energy transitions.


Hydrogen Fuel Cells as Onshore Power Supply Solution for Grid-Constrained Ports

Anis Ayoub, Stationary Power EMEA, PlugPower

Using hydrogen fuel cells for onshore power in ports, offering a sustainable alternative to overcome grid congestion and lack of infrastructure, aiding in decarbonization and sustainable practices


Green fuel transition from a cross-border perspective

Sophie Delannoy, Program Manager – Sustainable Transport Fuels, North Sea Port

Biofuels in transition


Question & Answer Session


Closing Remarks


End of Conference

Friday 25th October 2024


Port Tour - Hosted by the HAROPA Port

Conference Fee

Cost per delegate (standard rate)
Cruise - One Day event - €1155
Congress & Cruise - €2270


Booking Online

Book online here or complete and fax the booking form to +44 1329 550192.
On receipt of your registration, you will be sent confirmation of your delegate place.

Fee Includes

Congress Fee Includes

  • Choice of conference streams for GreenPort Cruise on day 1
  • Two day conference attendance at GreenPort Congress
  • Full documentation in electronic format
  • Lunch and refreshments throughout
  • Place at the Welcome Reception (22nd October 2024)
  • Place at the Gala Dinner (23rd October 2024)
  • Place at the Port Tour (25th October 2024)

Cruise Fee Includes

  • One day conference attendance
  • Full documentation in electronic format
  • Lunch and refreshments
  • Place at the Welcome Reception (22nd October 2024)
  • Place at the Conference Dinner (23rd October 2024)

Contact Us

For further information on exhibiting, sponsoring, or attending the conference, contact the Events team on: +44 1329 825335 or

Host Port:
