Post Script – Page 3

  • News

    Short haul: Still in its infancy


    Rail is seen as a solution to alleviating fast growing truck volumes moving to and from port gateways

  • Piraeus

    Greece: When will PPP resistance end?


    What does an investor expect from a public private partnership (PPP) in the port sector?

  • container port



    Poland has turned into the Baltic Sea’s main container hub, with volumes outstripping even Russia’s Baltic ports. And there are significant plans to consolidate this position, with every Polish port lining up ambitious expansion plans. Significant over investment – like that seen on the EU’s North Atlantic coastal stretch – ...

  • News



    The Republic of Georgia’s Anaklia port project looks to be floundering – one of the main partners in the development consortium, US-based Conti Group, has just announced its decision to exit the project while simultaneously the development appears to be threatening Georgia’s reputation as one of the world’s best investment ...

  • Hambantota port

    Hambantota damage limitation


    COMMENT: China is getting touchy that its signature Belt and Road Initiative, via which it is expanding its global footprint in the maritime ports sector, is being increasingly criticised for having a strong geo-political dimension to it.

  • port of Posorja

    Posorja project under fire


    COMMENT: Following a Complaint filed by Dr Carlos Figueroa, a well-known political activist and medical doctor in Ecuador, the country’s Attorney General has initiated an investigation into the award of the 50-year concession for the Port of Posorja to DP World, the international terminal operator.

  • Djibouti might end up in Chinese hands. Credit: 123rf

    Door open for CMA CGM in Djibouti?


    COMMENT: Port Strategy hears that the world’s number three container line, CMA CGM, is interested in exploiting port and transport corridor opportunities in Djibouti, the primary gateway for Ethiopian cargo.

  • Greece should try to improve on the long-winded concession process for Piraeus. Credit: Christos Vassiliou, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

    A Greek tragedy in the making


    COMMENT: The so-called third phase of Greek port privatisation is reportedly on the starting-blocks – but is it really?

  • News

    A step too far down under?


    COMMENT: DP World Australia has hit its cargo importer and exporter client base with yet another big increase in infrastructure charges along Australia’s east coast, in the ports of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

  • Terminal tenders need to be more robust Photo: Michal Bednarek/123rf

    Concessions: room for improvement


    The ethics of maritime terminal concession awards and operations have been put under the spotlight recently.

  • Anaklia is pitched as complementing China’s BRI, but there has been no China investment to date. Credit: tashatuvango, 123rf

    Anaklia doubts bubble up


    COMMENT: Georgia’s Anaklia deep-water port project proposal has been around for a number of years, but is it any further forward in real terms and will it clear the hurdle of receiving the private sector funding it needs to progress? The signs are not promising.

  • Valencia has projects in the pipeline to further disrupt the Spanish ports status quo. Credit: 123rf

    Barcelona’s bragging rights?


    COMMENT: The Port of Barcelona may have claimed bragging rights for the best performance in 2017 but Valencia still leads in the container business and has claimed the No. 1 spot from Algeciras.

  • The word on the street is that Melbourne is big box ship ready

    Melbourne ready for big box ships


    The port of Melbourne is about to open its doors to larger container vessels, according to local sources.

  • Is the writing on the wall for Croatia's latest terminal?

    Zagreb Pier: White elephant?


    COMMENT: In 1970, Sonya Gandhi, former president of the Indian National Congress, presented two Indian elephants - Sony and Lanka - to former Yugoslavia President Josip Broz Tito at his Summer Residence on the Croatian island of Veliki Brujini. Sony sadly passed away in 2010 but it looks like Lanka ...

  • News

    Meaningful reform still absent


    COMMENT: In Spain''s ports, the wait goes on. The Spanish government is yet to unveil the detailed regulations that are intended to reflect the terms negotiated between port employers and dockworkers regarding the reform of Spain’s port labour arrangements, necessary to comply with EU legislation intended to make Europe’s ports ...

  • The threat of industrial action lingers in Spain

    Storm clouds gather again over Spanish ports


    COMMENT: There are now rumblings of discontent among Spain’s stevedoring workforce regarding what they see as an ‘unjustified’ delay to the approval of the negotiated terms for the Royal Decree that is intended to achieve port sector reforms.

  • Governance: Nigeria is moving closer to creating a national ports authority. Credit: APM Terminals

    Nigeria's new dawn


    COMMENT: Finally, after more than a decade of delays at Nigeria’s National Assembly, the Nigerian Ports and Harbours Bill is in the final stages of approval that will lead to its enactment.

  • Growth: International terminal operators are expected to increase their presence in the East and Southern Africa region

    Growth potential


    COMMENT: Annual container trade capacity is up 8%, but there are fewer services calling at East and Southern Africa (ESAF) box ports. These are among the key findings from a new report from consultant Dynamar.

  • Growth: Barcelona’s BEST terminal won by taking the path of least resistance. Credit: BEST

    Breaking ranks


    COMMENT: The European Union-mandated liberalisation of Spain''s port services, which generated a period of significant unrest in the sector earlier in the year, is progressively leaving in its wake a changed pattern of container handling along Spain’s Mediterranean coastline.

  • Agreement: Spain's ports are now one step closer to stevedore reform. Credit: Jorge Franganillo

    A stacked deck


    COMMENT: The five-month long industrial relations conflict in Spain’s ports has ended, but has it ended in a satisfactory way?