Post Script – Page 4

  • News

    Round and round


    COMMENT: The circular economy is firmly on the agenda of the European Commission right now - it was in the final throes of agreeing seemingly contentious new waste and recycling laws at the time of writing, writes Carly Fields.

  • Sold: the most recent Greek port tender has some unexplained peculiarities. Credit: Maureen Barlin

    The Thessaloniki saga


    COMMENT: Over 10 years on from the time of the first concession attempt for the northern Greek port of Thessaloniki the port has finally been privatised, but is the result the best one and did the process really live up to European Union standards of transparency or are the Greek ...

  • Try again: Spain is about to launch a second mediated attempt to secure port labour system reforms. Credit: Cat Collector

    Spain: Second time lucky


    COMMENT: Spain is about to launch a second attempt to reform its stevedoring industry in order to put it on a more competitive footing and thereby achieve compliance with European Union (EU) requirements.

  • Struck out: Spain's port labour is in an uncompetitive position. Credit: Armando G Alonso

    Reform hiatus


    COMMENT: In mid-March, Spain’s Parliament rejected voting into law the port labour reforms that are necessary to meet European Commission requirements. In effect, Spain, for the time being at least, remains out of step with the majority of EU countries.

  • Slow working and other measures are leading to vessel diversions and loss of earnings in Spanish ports

    Writing on the wall


    COMMENT: The Spanish Government has passed a draft law which aims to achieve compliance with European Union regulations governing the hiring of port labour.

  • Hands off: driverless trucks offer the potential of significant cost savings at ports

    Driverless possibilities


    COMMENT: It is no surprise that the PSA Singapore has signalled its intention to introduce ‘truck platooning’ for container transfer between its container terminals.

  • Wind tunnel: inclement weather can quickly cripple a port. Credit: NOAA Photo Library

    Perils of Mother Nature


    COMMENT: Never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. This is a reality that many seafarers fully appreciate, but not one that that is always grasped by those of us with our feet on terra firma. That is until an event occurs like the one in Brisbane on November 13 and ...

  • First move: India’s concession agreement reforms are a step in the right direction. Credit: Karthik Chandran, Velachery, Chennai, India

    Real concession reform?


    COMMENT: India has released details of a proposed new model concession agreement which is designed to reform its terminal bidding process and attract more private sector investment.

  • Choppy waters: Hanjin's collapse has shaken the industry. Credit: Travis Wise

    Heavy turbulence


    COMMENT: The best guestimate is that there are up to half a million containers in ‘nowhere land’ thanks to the collapse of Hanjin Shipping. Not all of the containers are on ships either; many are inland.

  • Downcast: will global container throughput be as low as 0.3% this year? Credit: John Bugg

    Box or bust


    COMMENT: Industry analyst Alphaliner has come up with the stunning statistic that global container traffic will grow by just 0.3% this year, the second slowest growth rate since 2009 when volume shrank by -8.3% following the global financial crisis.

  • Baggage: Piraeus' privatisation was one with strings attached – which is likely why only one bidder participated in the final bid

    No ‘strings’ please


    COMMENT: This column has mentioned before the contradiction in terms associated with port and terminal privatisations where government wants to ‘keep a finger in the pie.’

  • Fresh blood: new competition could give incumbents, such as APM Terminals (pictured), a run for their money in West Africa

    Taking West Africa in


    COMMENT: Dynamar’s latest container trade report on the West Africa Container Trades highlights the trends of increasing ship sizes and the recent fall in the number of carriers active in the West African trade lane, which has led to a reduction in the number of vessels deployed and in services, ...

  • News

    Not Melbourne’s finest hour


    “It is the delicate alignment of public and private interests that determines the structure of port management and port development policy,” emphasises the World Bank Port Reform Tool Kit when looking at port management structures.

  • Ready: Puerto Bahia is ripe for the port picking

    Big future ahead


    It’s not often the terminal operating sector is presented with the opportunity to acquire a brand new terminal operating site, where all the hard work has been done in terms of infrastructure development, and which is basically ready to commence operations on takeover.

  • Thumbs down: Mombasa has failed to capitalise on its concession process

    Mombasa: process versus vested interest?


    The completion of the first phase of the second container terminal in Mombasa, a new deep-water facility, is imminent. At the beginning of 2015 there were a lot of statements to the effect that the terminal would be open early for business – some suggested March 2015.

  • News

    ECSA under the microscope


    A new review of the port system along the East Coast of South America sees it continued maturation.

  • Opportunity: Puerto Bahia is an ‘open canvas’ for the right investor

    Puerto Bahia up for sale


    The next major phase of expansion of unit load traffic in the hub port of Cartagena will be at Puerto Bahia, the new dry cargo port. And the burning issue of the moment is which terminal operating company will oversee the forecast expansion.

  • Clemens

    Mombasa operator hiatus


    COMMENT: It was originally scheduled to be announced in July but now informed sources indicate the name of the new Mombasa container terminal operator will be announced in late September/early October.

  • Gloom: Gdynia is living in the shadow of Gdansk. Credit: Paulo Valdivieso

    Has Gdynia missed the boat?


    Traditionally Gdynia has been Poland’s main container import/export gateway but slowly and surely this status has been eroded and the recent announcement by the G6 alliance that it intends to implement calls at the Deepwater Container Terminal (DCT) Gdansk can be seen as another way step in this process.

  • Big business: larger ships are a defining feature of the East-West container trades. Credit: Ramon Harkema

    Playground of the alliances


    COMMENT: Over the past twelve months the container business has been turned on its head with shifting alliances, the arrival of the mega-ships and an ordering spree with enough capacity to make a grown man cry.