The Analyst – Page 4

  • News

    We need more mavericks in ports


    COMMENT: In various previous columns I have argued that port development is often ‘emergent’ rather than planned, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Esbjerg's commitment to wind energy-related cargoes has prompted a certain amount of flexibility. Credit: Port of Esbjerg

    Flexibility key to wind ambitions


    COMMENT: This year’s Danish Port Days were held in Esbjerg, with the theme of ‘port transformations’ guiding a conference that included sessions where academics and industry leaders discussed management research issues worth exploring, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Public investment in dredging at Liverpool has been criticised. Credit: Andrew

    Who should pay for infrastructure?


    COMMENT: Who picks up the bill for infrastructure investments is a key issue in port development, writes Peter de Langen

  • Koper benefitted from shipper switches in expanding its hinterland. Credit: Kiss Tibor Noé

    Battle of hinterland expansion


    COMMENT: Many port development companies, including port authorities, develop commercial strategies which guide their commercial and investment activities. One common ambition in those strategies is the aim to expand the hinterland, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Brooklyn's Red Hook terminal might finally be on the move. Credit: William Avery Hudson

    Realities of 'working waterfront' visions


    COMMENT: The inevitable is likely to happen to the Red Hook Container Terminal in Brooklyn, New York, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    Safe as houses


    COMMENT: In November, Associated British Ports (ABP), the UK’s leading port operator, launched its transformed property arm with a 960-hectare land bank, marking a further step in the gradual transition of the group from port operator to a development company of port, logistics and manufacturing complexes in 21 UK ports, ...

  • News

    Tales of the unexpected


    COMMENT: In May 2016 a lease agreement was signed between Feadship, a leading builder of mega-yachts, and Port of Amsterdam (PoA). Yet, Amsterdam’s vision document, officially launched a year earlier in June 2015 did not mention mega-yachts as a potentially relevant market segment, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Increasing: London Gateway is picking up steam despite a slow start. Credit: DP World

    Lengthy path to success


    COMMENT: This year saw positive news for the two large new port development projects in North West Europe: JadeWeserPort and London Gateway, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    Geopolitics and port development


    COMMENT: Port development often has an important geopolitical dimension, writes Peter de Langen

  • News

    State aid exemptions miss the mark


    COMMENT: The long-awaited European Union policy on government investments in seaports and airports has both high and low points. The sad part is that the high points are mainly centred around airports, while the seaport part takes the lion’s share of low points, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    Forget business as usual


    COMMENT: It is increasingly clear that car transport is at the brink of radical changes, driven by technological advances in autonomous driving and changing ownership patterns of cars, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Ousted: the end is in sight for Amsterdam's coal terminals. Credit: Marcel Oosterwijk

    Bold move on coal


    COMMENT: Last month, Port of Amsterdam took a bold move for a landlord port authority: it announced its ambition to end handling coal by 2030, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Wide view: Morocco's Tanger Med is a good example of a port creating value for its hinterland. Credit: Yassine Abbadi

    The value of connectivity


    COMMENT: Ports create value for port users and thus also for society at large because they enable connections between consumers in the hinterland and producers overseas, and vice versa, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    Shipping and the physical internet


    COMMENT: The term ‘physical internet’ has emerged in recent years as a metaphor for the future of freight transport. While the metaphor possibly obscures more than it enlightens, it nevertheless makes sense to explore the implications for ocean shipping, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    The benefits of togetherness


    COMMENT: In fully private markets, the ‘invisible hand’ ensures the survival of the fittest, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    Dealing in intermodal truths


    COMMENT: The Inland Terminal conference in Basel in November brought together an interesting mix of stakeholders in intermodal logistics. I shared with delegates some of the findings of research on intermodal connections, based on a database developed by Intermodal Links, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Perseverance: Red Hook Terminal (pictured) is a clear case for maintaining port facilities in metropolitan areas. Credit: Red Hook Terminals

    Measuring value at city ports


    COMMENT: Should port development differ between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas? Definitely, in my view, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Hamburg prides itself on being a green port and is promoting cleaner ships. Credit: HHM Lindner.

    Sense of green port dues


    COMMENT: In a recent academic conference in Hamburg, various papers addressed differentiated port dues for green ships partly to address the European Commission’s evident favouritism of such an approach, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Come together: Liverpool operator Peel Ports enjoys cluster benefits through Mersey Maritime. Credit: UK DoT

    Value in port clusters


    COMMENT: It is increasingly understood that ports are spatial clusters of interrelated economic activities, such as chemical plants, energy plants, construction plants (for instance for components of offshore wind installations), warehouses, and terminals as well as a variety of business services, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Ports are increasingly considering their cruise attractiveness. Credit: Marcel Sala

    Cruising for better port pricing


    Cruises are increasingly relevant in port development so taking a look at pricing can be insightful, writes Peter de Langen.