The New Yorker – Page 9
Barry Parker- Opinion Piece
The tumult in worldwide financial markets has been a headline-grabber in recent weeks, with shares of listed shipping companies joining in the ebbing tide of "systemic risk".
Opinion from the US (for Dec issue)
Last month, the US Maritime Administration (MARAD) gathered a group of bankers and carriers in New York for an important Roundtable Conference on Port and Infrastructure Investment. Rather than showcasing the same tired talk about the same intractable problems, this conference provided a set of fresh perspectives.
Nov issue US OPINION Barry Parker
Throughout the US Coast Guard's (USCG) history, it has juggled many missions. These days, much of the talk is about maritime security. In recent Congressional testimony, another USCG mission - its marine safety activities - have come into the limelight, with a focus on usually routine inspections of vessels calling ...
When three laws go to war
Port of Long Beach's underwater kelp beds prove the marine environment needs our helpAnd with the US yet to ratify the IMO's MARPOL Annex VI - already less inclusive than activist port management would like - the US port industry is left with a potent brew of 'pro-activity' (wanting to ...
Will the US port worker ID scheme cut the mustard?
Much discussed, long overdue and after numerous stumbles the Transportation Worker Identity Credential (TWIC) is, again, moving closer to real implementation by the stated deployment target date: September, 30, 2008. Workers at ports and terminals, and those needing access to them, will be required to obtain the TWIC, a smart ...
Dancing out-of-step with the Greenback
The music has not stopped yet. But even though interest rates have risen, the infrastructure deal business has not been slowing down – “ there’ s more money out there than there are saleable assets at the moment – the supply gap is driving up prices” , according to Manju ...