Viewpoint – Page 10

  • News

    Grasping the big issues


    This is the last Viewpoint I shall be writing. I''m returning to my old business of ships agency, and to my old firm, Inchcape Shipping Services after three terrific years editing PS.

  • Piraeus: everything on offer

    Maritime Centres and Democracy


    In Belgium and Holland recently it was striking to see what a deep-routed culture of maritime tradition prevails. The history of maritime activity goes back centuries and as with any such region, this breeds much more than just the port and its core activities. In Benelux you will find the ...

  • Oslo: quiet, clean, green

    Use this rich era of growth to clean up our act


    Economist Ben Hackett rings in the new year with some positive news. Despite predictions to the contrary, the global economy is in robust shape and will remain so, provided of course the ''almighty'' consumer (you and me) does not lose heart.

  • Dubai: Time will tell

    Are we looking sexy?


    It''s beginning to look that way. So take your partners please.

  • The consensus of opinion is that the price D P World is offering to pay for P&O is a generous one

    P&O Act 1 or 2?


    Will DPW''s bid for P& O prevail or is Temasek/PSA rewriting the script? Mike Mundy investigates.

  • The World, Dubai

    What is going on?


    Ports are hot all of a sudden - that''s what. Dubai Ports World (DPW) are aiming to gobble up as much capacity around the world as they can lay their hands on, their almost indecent haste fuelled by deep pockets filled with petrodollars. At the end of October they were ...

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    Bring back the Big Easy


    In the short life of this magazine we have had to report on three major calamities wrought upon us by Mother Nature: Typhoon Maemi flattened Busan''s container terminal; then the Boxing Day tsuname wiped out whole coastlines; and now Hurricane Katrina. Each one an Act of God.

  • P&Os NSICT: stands to lose around US$9m

    You cannot be serious!


    You would think that after at least ten years of full-on port privatisation that countries wishing to attract new investors, and the investors themselves, would know how to get it right. Two recent events, however, suggest otherwise.

  • Leanne Taylor (left) with Liebherrs Monika Schedler

    Let there be ports


    TOC provides a wealth of ideas and material for a magazine like ours and the recent event in Antwerp was no exception. We catch those conference sessions we can and download the speakers'' papers from those presentations we can''t get to, to mull over later. We chat with people who ...

  • Lord Sterling: telling remarks

    End of an era at P&O - so what next?


    Mid-2005 will, in years to come, probably be seen as a pivotal moment for P& O. The jury is out, however, on whether it will be seen in a positive or negative context.

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    Sustainability versus Progress


    The Bengal tiger may be an endangered species but the Indian economy is certainly not. Investment bankers talk of it as the next Asian tiger - arguably it already is.

  • News

    Between the gate, the breakwater and beyond


    Our Close-Up this month is remarkable for two reasons: first Robin Middleton is an interesting character with an interesting job; more importantly, his job description offers a possible template for other coastal states to follow.

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    Hard Choices


    Life is about making choices - some harder than others. And choices have consequences. But once a course has been chosen - right or wrong - then what is done is done and anyway it''s usually impossible to reverse back the way you''ve come.

  • News

    Cause and Effect, Control and Responsibility


    Cause and effect is a common method of organizing and discussing ideas so let''s take a look at some cases relevant to this issue of PS. Mankind has always favoured coastal dwelling. The sea provided a rich harvest; and trade and communications were made easier. The sea has brought danger ...

  • News

    The Supply Chain Blues


    There''s no getting away from the Big Issue. Port congestion, in many parts of the world, is becoming endemic, but how did we get caught out and what''s to be done about it? Ben Hackett, in a new column for PS on page 18, points to the absence of a ...

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    Seeking Stability, Security and Sustainability


    Like it or not, George W. Bush is back for a second term and it remains to be seen just what his administration will serve up on contentious issues such as trade protectionism and the environment.

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    In the BBC Radio 4''s Something Understood programme, Sir Mark Tully examines some of the larger questions of life by taking a spiritual theme and exploring it through the thoughts, ideas and works of the great thinkers, theologians, poets and composers. It brings in examples from Eastern philosophy as well ...

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    As a magazine for port managers maybe we don''t pay enough attention to the humble shipping agent but think about it and you''ll realise the relationship between port and agent can and should be of benefit to both - truly symbiotic.

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    Credence is still given in certain circles to the idea that in order to provide a really competitive container handling service there has to be more than two companies providing such a service in the same location. We see, for example, this idea backed in locations such as Australia where ...

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    Well, not quite perhaps. But is there a reader of this magazine who simply doesn''t give a stuff about the environment? I doubt it.