The design for the ‘world’s greenest’ cruise ship was announced at COP21 in Paris and its maiden voyage is scheduled for 2020.
The 55,000 tonne cruise ship is said to feature ten retractable solar-paneled sails and retractable wind generators, as well as a future-ready hybrid engine.
The Ecoship Project is connected to Peace Boat, a Japan-based NGO which has been running educational voyages since 1983.
Yoshioka Tatsuya, founder and director of Peace Boat, said: “Peace Boat’s 2020 launch of the Ecoship offers a vision for a climate-friendly future and can lead the way towards a green cruising model that can also impact the wider shipping industry. The industry must adapt to the planet’s needs.”
It will aim to cut CO2 emissions and provide energy efficiency, Peace Boat argues it will be the ‘flag ship for green technology in passenger shipping’.
“The Ecoship will be a front runner in the design of lower impact cruise vessels and we will be working with the industry segment to help bring more wind propulsion solutions into the mix,” said Gavin Allwright, secretary of the International Windship Association (IWSA).
He continued: “IWSA has recently welcomed Peace Boat onboard as one of our newest members, and we look forward to working together over the coming years, helping to spread the message of low carbon, sustainable shipping worldwide.”
The cruise ship has been developed by a team of over 30 engineers, scientists and thinkers from the field of ship-building and eco-technology.
It will aim to sail around the world carrying 5000 people per year, hosting exhibitions of green technology in up to 80 ports annually and serving as a floating sustainability laboratory. The laboratory will then hopefully be able to contribute to research on the ocean, climate and green marine tech.
Wanjira Mathai, director of the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace & Environmental Studies, concluded: "Peace Boat's Ecoship sailing the oceans and cooperating with communities in port will be a wonderful symbol of the interconnectedness of peace and sustainability."