Post Script – Page 6

  • The Chinese President has sealed Tanzania's Bagamoyo project

    In ascendancy


    Tanzania has laid down its claim for a future large slice of regional trade through a deal with China to build the new port of Bagamoyo in its Mbegani area, north west of Dar es Salaam, at a total cost of $10bn.

  • Having seconds is a port authority's prerogative

    Second helpings on terminal concessions


    Name a port that won’t eventually go for a second container terminal operator. You might think Port of Singapore but you would be wrong: included within PSA''s operating arrangements are certain dedicated container terminals for shipping lines.

  • Should governments be able exclude port operators based solely on nationality? Credit: Katie Tegtmeyer

    Power plays?


    Is it relevant for geo-political aspects to intrude into port deals?

  • Mombasa needs to look to the future to meet projected demand

    Mombasa musings


    Late last year saw President Kibaki preside over the ground breaking ceremony for the Port of Mombasa’s second container terminal. While the event marked progress, it is very slow progress indeed.

  • India needs to re-think its investor 'attractiveness'

    Call for common sense


    For a country that wishes to attract investors from a market sector that in practical terms has only a limited number of players with the resource and will to undertake major container terminal developments some might say that India’s approach to delivering efficient and timely concessions needs a major overhaul.

  • Andy Sandford, editor of Engineering Capacity

    Failing to succeed


    Have you ever been responsible for any noteworthy failures in your business career? No, me neither, but apparently it happens.

  • Container capacity in the Mediterranean can be hard to define. Credit Nasa

    Mediterranean musings


    Determining prospects for Mediterranean container demand and capacity can be a sticky business. Covering cultures as diverse as the Black Sea and North Africa, and Greece and Turkey, it can be a challenge to join the container capacity dots.

  • TThe Yemen and DP World have severed their container ties

    DPW's Aden arrangement ends in divorce


    So the marriage is over – DP World is exiting its container operations in the Yemen seemingly by agreement with the new post-revolutionary government, receiving $27m for its 50% stake in the Yemen container terminal.

  • Who will win the hub port race in Africa? Credit: Jonas B

    The transhipment race


    Have you noticed the debate in the on-line Global Ports Forum about who will become the main container terminals in East and West Africa? We have, and have taken it upon ourselves to score some of the suggestions.

  • Is an IPO or a direct sale in the offing for the Swiss shipping line's terminal assets? Credit: Alf van Beem

    Fact or fiction


    Is Mediterranean Shipping Company offering for sale part of its global portfolio of container terminals or is it planning to spin off its terminal division in an initial public offering in Singapore?

  • South Africa's regulator is showing its true colours. Credit: Coda

    The regulator


    It is now just over five years since South Africa’s Regulator – one of the world’s few independent port regulators – first convened.

  • Lamu has environmental and other issues. Credit: Magnus Kjaergaard

    Legacy or lunacy?


    They say it will represent an important part of the legacy of Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki but how realistic is it to think that Kenya’s new port of Lamu will follow an effective development programme?

  • Lethal cocktail of factional in-fighting, corruption, and dock labour force unrest is disrupting Mombasa port progress

    Lethal cocktail


    Congestion is back in the East African ports of Mombasa and Dar es Salaam and to informed observers this comes as no surprise.

  • Lines have failed to bring excess capacity in check. Credit: Dirk Ingo Franke

    Bad times cometh


    Ask any container shipping line about its New Year’s resolution and it has to be finding the path to stem financial losses.

  • The challenge by rival Felixstowe may have put a spanner in the works for ABP Southampton's expansion plans

    Hostile climate


    Last month, the Port of Felixstowe secured a judicial review of ABP Southampton’s plans to extend the berth line of the Southampton Container Terminal by 500 metres.

  • APM Terminals is to take on Gothenburg's SCT

    Deal certainty


    There have been a few instances over the past year where the transition from Preferred Bidder to being award a terminal concession has been unusually swift.

  • Felixstowe's robots give muscle to the UK port's quest for supremacy

    Cyber-style UK domination


    Felicity Landon reports on a bit of a Doctor Who moment on the quayside at Felixstowe.

  • Improved security regulations prompted by 9/11 are to applauded. Credit: US Coast Guard

    Benefits born out of adversity


    The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 brought fundamental change to the ports sector. And while this change was born out of adversity much of it is change that can now be regarded as positive.

  • Berbera might prove a viable alternative to Djibouti. Credit: Brian Dell

    The Berbera option


    Ethiopia, which has had more than one spat with Djibouti over the access it gets to its port facilities, the service levels available there and the price it pays for these, is soon to have a new port gateway made available to it.

  • Guinea's roller-coaster concessioning ride shows no signs of stopping any time soon

    An extraordinary affair


    The early expulsion of Getma International, a subsidiary of the NCT Necotrans group, from its 25-year concession for the Conakry container terminal in Guinea has all the hallmarks of a most extraordinary affair.