Products & Services – Page 32

  • The new ECAs will cost Maersk Line around US$250m

    Maersk sulphur regulation implications


    Maersk Line says that the projected financial impact of the new Emission Control Areas (ECA) coming into force in January 2015 will cost it more than US$250m.

  • The new tool will help shipowners identify routes that may qualify for ballast water exemptions. Photo: Zane Johnston

    New online BWM tool unveiled


    A new online ballast water management tool has been developed by Helcom and Ospar Commissions to make ballast water treatment easier for shipowners.

  • Dusty ships loader

    Dust free loading process


    ISG Pit to Ship Solutions has designed a dust free logistic system to transport products from the mine site into the ship’s hull using sealed containers and a tippler. The product is not handled again until it is tipped into the ship’s hull, says Garry Pinder, Managing Director of ISG ...

  • Eight of DFDS Seaways' vessels have already been fitted with scrubbers

    DFDS gets scrubber funding


    The EU has awarded DFDS Seaways funding of DKK47.2m towards the installation of scrubbers on five of its freighters that sail between Gothenburg and Ghent and England.

  • News

    New renewable energy partnership


    Japan''s Eco Marine Power (EMP) has entered into a new agreement with MINs Control System Solution to sell its renewable energy solutions into Singapore and Myanmar.

  • The WHRS will allow UASC's vessel power to be generated with a lower overall fuel consumption

    Green power for UASC container ships


    Siemens’ Drive Technologies division is equipped 17 container ships owned by the United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) with an environmentally-friendly drive and power generation system (Siship SGM).

  • The SAMCon system will enable the vessels to meet California's strict clean air regulations

    Hamburg Süd ships equipped for US regulations


    Seven container ships currently chartered by Hamburg Süd have been equipped with L-3 SAM Electronics’ SAMCon high-voltage onshore power connection facilities, enabling them to meet strict US regulations.

  • Maersk’s Triple-E vessels are the largest ever built

    Jotun wins Triple-E contract


    Marine antifouling coatings specialist, Jotun, has signed a landmark agreement with Maersk Line to supply Hull Performance Solutions (HPS) for the Triple-E new build project.

  • Representatives will develop and launch specific initiatives to ensure compliance with new emissions regulations

    EU countries enforce emissions regulations


    A number of North Western European counties are joining forces in a bid to make the control of ship’s sulphur emissions more efficient.

  • France has become the latest country to sign up to the Hong Kong Convention Photo: IMO

    Ship recycling convention ratified


    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) says that France has become the third state to ratify the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships 2009.

  • News

    Kumport e-RTG project completed


    Turkish port operator Kumport’s eight Kalmar diesel powered rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs) have been converted to e-RTGs by a joint team from Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (ZPMC) and ZPMC Mediterranean Turkey.

  • News

    Getting a greener bulk terminal


    Port sustainability was of course hot on the agenda at this year’s TOC Europe (London 24 to 26 June 2014).

  • Noatum said that LNG tractors are just as reliable and far more efficient than diesel ones

    LNG use in terminal tractors


    Spanish terminal operator, Noatum, was at TOC Europe this year, to give the lowdown on its experiment on the use of LNG in terminal tractors at Valencia.

  • Unlike standard sodium lighting, LED’s distribute the colours of the spectrum more evenly mimicking natural daylight

    Measuring lighting impact


    Yazi Fletcher, chief technical officer, Phoenix Products Company, outlined the benefits of LED lighting at this year’s TOC Europe exhibition.

  • The winners of the first ever 'Electric and Hybrid Marine Awards' have been chosen

    Winners of ‘Electric and Hybrid Marine Awards’ announced


    The winners of the first ever ‘Electric and Hybrid Marine Awards’, which champions the best in technology and design in the sector, have been announced.

  • Environmental issues were on the agenda at the tenth PEMA Forum

    Green agenda at PEMA Forum


    There was an emphasis on the green agenda at this year''s Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) Forum held at TOC Europe.

  • Wärtsilä has gained service level recognition for its Airguard system

    Wärtsilä seals ‘industry first’ recognition


    Wärtsilä has gained service level recognition for its Airguard and Oceanguard propeller shaft sealing systems from Lloyd’s Register and is said to be the first company in the industry to do so.

  • The Port of Seattle is one of Green Marine’s participants

    Green Marine performance in 2013


    The Port of Seattle is one of Green Marine’s participantsMore than 40 environmental groups and government agencies have endorsed the Green Marine programme, which addresses nine key issues including air emissions, cargo waste management, water and land pollution prevention; environmental leadership and community impacts such as noise, dust and light. ...

  • Eco Wave Power is helping Gibraltar tackle its renewables target

    Eco Wave Power contract for Gibraltar


    Gibraltar’s government has signed its first purchase agreement for the provision of renewable energy with Israel’s Eco Wave Power.

  • The Thorn-D foil fibres create a textured surface to prevent fouling

    Micanti awarded for antifouling foil


    Netherlands based Micanti has won the prestigious ‘SME Innovation Top 100’ award for its environmentally-friendly antifouling foil, Thorn-D.