Canada’s Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) has jumped on the band wagon to offer financial incentives to shippers based on the A to G Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) rating, following in the footsteps of Port Metro Vancouver.

PRPA has signed up to reduce harbour dues for efficient shippers

PRPA has signed up to reduce harbour dues for efficient shippers

PRPA’s Green Wave programme will reward the most efficient vessels to enter the port. Out of 19 vessel entries during the programme’s first two weeks of operation, 11 have used the A to G rating. The programme is expected to provide $100,000 in discounts this year.

“We are accelerating the industry’s movement toward greater efficiency and sustainability. As more members of the worldwide port community launch similar initiatives, common systems of measurement and reward are vital to wide adoption and success,” said Don Krusel, president and CEO of the PRPA.

The A to G GHG rating will be used alongside the already used Environmental Ship Index (ESI) which evaluates the amount of sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted.

Port of Metro Vancouver’s EcoAction programme meanwhile has been going for just over a year. It takes cleaner fuels, improved engine technology and other factors into account amounting to $1.1m in 2013, equating to roughly 10% of revenue from deep sea harbour dues.

Currently 16 charterers globally use the A to G rating. It contains information on over 70,000 vessels and provides a simple easy to use tool for ports to provide incentives for increased efficiency.

The rating system was established by maritime risk expert, RightShip and the global not-for-profit, Carbon War Room.