Regulation & Policy – Page 5

  • Isabelle Ryckbost

    Ship waste management is ESPO priority


    The call from European ports for an efficient but responsible ship waste management policy will be prioritised by ESPO.

  • Global Maritime Forum

    Decarbonisation task force could galvanise ports


    A maritime-led task force set up to decarbonise shipping may further encourage the decarbonisation of ports.

  • Aqaba is ahead of the game with regards to sustainability, with an emphasis on materiality assessment Photo: Xavi Talleda/Wikimendia CC BY 2.0

    Are sustainable development goals relevant for sea ports?


    In 2015, 193 UN member countries adopted a 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a new sustainable development agenda, but are they relevant for sea ports? asks Claire Bryant, director, Future Proof Solutions and Jason Sprott, director, Sprott Planning & Environment Pty Ltd.

  • Port of London Authority is on a mission to clean up the Thames

    London port switches its attention to air quality


    With the concern over air quality issue in cities and public health rising, the Port of London Authority (PLA) in the UK is working to develop a new air quality strategy for the Thames.

  • IMO’s MEPC meeting

    Ballast Water Management progress “too slow”


    The installation timeframe for ballast water management systems has been extended until September 2024, prompting some NGOs to say decarbonisation policy is moving too slowly.

  • MEPC 71

    MEPC approves BWM treaty draft amendments


    The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 71) has approved draft amendments to the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention treaty linking BWM installation implementation schedules to ships’ renewal surveys.

  • Ships participating in ESI

    ESI to evaluate CO2


    The Environmental Ship Index (ESI) will be first sustainable quality mark in international shipping to evaluate the performance of vessels in reducing CO2.

  • Seaspan’s two new ferries delivered this year broke new ground by combining LNG propulsion with ESS Photo: Seaspan

    BV adds hybrid power and battery rules


    Bureau Veritas has consolidated its experience in the field of hybrid vessels with a new series of notations and rules addressing energy storage systems (ESS) to support ship operators in reducing emissions.

  • Peter Mollema

    Ports ready for zero emissions


    Ports are ready to embrace zero emission shipping, Peter Mollema, vice-president of Europe for the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), has said.

  • Ship emissions

    IMO C02 reduction proposal


    BIMCO, INTERCARGO, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and INTERTANKO have made a joint proposal to the IMO to reduce international shipping CO2 emissions.

  • Eamonn O’Reilly

    Technology is priority for port decarbonisation


    Stakeholders were urged to channel their energy into new technology to enable ports to embrace decarbonisation at a recent ESPO conference in Barcelona, Spain.

  • News

    Lloyd's low carbon report


    Lloyd’s Register has released its findings from its latest report which examines the outlook for renewables, nuclear, grid and infrastructure as well as energy storage.

  • Greener ship recycling with the help of DNV GL certifications

    DNV GL to certify 50 IHMs


    DNV GL is set to carry out Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) certifications for the Norddeutsche Reederei H. Schuldt’s managed fleet of more than 50 vessels.

  • Expensive lesson: Since it received the fine the Port of Haifa has now taken steps to clean up his act

    Haifa stung by environmental fines


    Israel''s Ministry of Environmental Protection has fined the Port of Haifa 2.2 million shekels ($570,000) for violating air pollution regulations.

  • IMO sets global sulphur cap for 2020

    IMO agrees sulphur cap


    The International Maritime Organisation’s Marine Environment Protection Committee has agreed on a global 0.5% sulphur cap and established the next two NOx Emission Control Areas (NECAs).

  • ort-related CO2 emissions are projected to increase from current levels

    EPA reports on port strategy


    The latest US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study has found that technology standards and fuel sulphur limits are expected to significantly reduce emissions, but there is still a lot more than can be done.

  • The reduction of GHG emissions from ships is on the agenda for MEPC 70

    Shipping industry lobbies for change


    Ahead of the forthcoming 70th Session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), shippers have been lobbying hard to secure increased environmental legislation for the industry.

  • Bremen, Moerdijk, and Tangier MED achieved PERS certification

    Ports get PERS certified


    The Ports of Bremen/Bremerhaven in Germany, Moerdijk, the Netherlands, and Morocco’s Tangier MED have achieved PERS certification.

  • VTP has developed its own environmental management system in accordance with recommendations from VPA

    A natural choice for the GreenPort Congress


    This year’s host of the GreenPort Cruise and Congress is the Venice Port Authority, a natural choice because the area is a world heritage site which has to find pioneering solutions to environmental issues in order to stay competitive, writes Anne-Marie Causer.

  • Finland has acceded to the IMO's Ballast Water Management Convention

    Ballast Water Convention enters into force


    The IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention will enter into force on 8 September 2017 after Finland acceded to the treaty, but there are concerns that shipowners are still without treatment systems approved for global use.