The Strategist – Page 3

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    Coronavirus: making it go away!


    COMMENT: If ever there is a strategy needed, it is a well thought out one to minimise the impact of the coronavirus, writes Mike Mundy.

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    COMMENT: If there are two things that can go wrong with a concession process – a new concession or a renewal – they are the lack of proper structure and what can be described as the ‘human factor,'' effectively a major disagreement between parties. Both can be avoided, writes ...

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    Another round of musical chairs appears to be underway in the Mediterranean transhipment business, writes Mike Mundy.

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    COMMENT: It is interesting to see the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) voicing a pitch for a larger slice of Trans-European (Ten-T) funding and particularly on the basis of assisting ports that have projects with an ROI which is “low and slow", writes Mike Mundy.

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    Time for a change


    COMMENT: Isn’t it about time that political appointments at the top of port management bodies were stopped? asks Mike Mundy

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    Check and double check, the best project evaluation criteria


    What drives a port authority or other government agency to develop the infrastructure for a new terminal and offer a new concession when there is little or no prospect of the facility offering a satisfactory rate of return to potential operators, asks Mike Mundy.

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    Take the highway to profitability


    COMMENT: There is a new container sector study about to hit the streets, Container Terminals: Paths to Profitability, writes Mike Mundy.

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    Zagreb built on misconceptions?


    COMMENT: The new Zagreb Container Terminal, under development in Rijeka in Croatia, is currently experiencing a dispute over the award of construction works relating to allied rail facilities, including the new intermodal yard, writes Mike Mundy.

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    Eritrea must look at its options


    COMMENT: With relations between Eritrea and Ethiopia now back in positive mode - after a 20-year dispute - the Eritrean ports of Assab, in the south of the country, and Massawa in the north are the focus of strong interest from international port operators, writes Mike Mundy.

  • The latest scandal comes as Durban embarks on a major expansion. Credit: Harry and Rowena Kennedy, Flick, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

    South Africa must beat corruption and confusion


    COMMENT: Transnet, the operator of South Africa’s port terminals and provider of rail freight services, has been beset by corruption and malpractice scandals over the last three years, writes Mike Mundy

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    Waking up to mega ship realities


    COMMENT: A new Discussion Paper from the International Transport Forum (ITF), the intergovernmental think-tank for transport policy, on the Argentinian port of Buenos Aires has raised a number of key issues faced by various ports around the world - particularly maritime and landside access issues - when it comes to ...

  • Newcastle may be moving from its coal origins Photo: jeayesy/123rf

    Rationale of Newcastle’s suitors


    COMMENT: The Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, has reported explicit interest on the part of international terminal operators to develop a container terminal at the port, writes Mike Mundy.

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    Thumbs up for Valencia index


    COMMENT: The Valencia Containerised Freight Index (VCFI) – a new initiative developed by the Valencia Port Authority and the research/study body Valenciaport Foundation – is, according to Aurelio Martinez, president of the Port Authority of Valencia, intended to fill an information gap regarding maritime freight rates for key maritime routes ...

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    Port pirates must be eliminated


    COMMENT: Piracy at sea targeting cargo carrying vessels is an unfortunate reality most of us are familiar with, but piracy at berth or anchor in port is a new development, writes Mike Mundy.

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    Think you have an environmental problem?


    COMMENT: Think you have got an environmental problem, asks Mike Mundy? Think again: your problem is probably miniscule when compared with the one recently identified in Calabar Port, located in the southeast corner of Nigeria in Cross River State.

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    Politicians and ‘favours’ unhappy bedfellows


    COMMENT: The end of March saw ‘operation Skala’ launched in Brazil, a federal investigation into alleged bribes paid by port sector companies to government personnel in return for ‘favours’ such as concession contract extension, writes Mike Mundy.

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    Fair and proper process the only way


    COMMENT: Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya, and James Macharia, transport cabinet secretary, have been piling the pressure on Catherine Mturi-Wairi, managing director of the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), to achieve greater freight movement on the new Chinese-built standard gauge railway (SGR) connecting Mombasa with Nairobi, writes Mike Mundy.

  • Ultra large container ships are testing the mettle of global terminals. Credit: Kees Torn

    Ultra-large boom


    COMMENT: The proliferation of ultra-large container ships has been the bane of many a port operator’s working life of late, writes Mike Mundy.

  • Mike Mundy: The tender for the new container terminal at the port of Mombasa was actually a multi-criteria bid process but it still derailed in the face of mis-management

    Moving with the times


    COMMENT: Slowly but surely, port agencies in Africa are becoming more sophisticated about how they offer port properties – container terminals, multipurpose terminals and so on – for a public-private partnership (PPP), writes Mike Mundy.

  • The initial departure of leading stevedores from ANESCO, notably those in Algeciras (pictured) and Barcelona, led to others being compelled to follow suit Photo: Tony Evans/flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

    A case of fake reforms?


    COMMENT: To the outside world it looks like Spain has complied with its obligation to reform its port system. But has it, or more to the point will it when the formal deliberations of employers and unions are complete, asks Mike Mundy.