Cruise – Page 7

  • Costa Pacifica (© Costa Cruises)

    Turning waste on board into a resource


    “Sustainable Cruise”, the European project for innovative shipboard waste management is paving the way for the introduction of specific EU environmental legislation for shipping. Its aim is to set up a new voluntary certification scheme for shipboard waste treatment and its effects in terms of CO2 reduction.

  • Cruise ship traffic in the Venice lagoon near Piazza San Marco will be banned. Photo: Janmad

    Italy to ban cruise ships from tourist hotspot


    The Italian government is to ban large cruise ships of more than 96,000 gross tonnes from the historic Venice lagoon in a bid to protect the area.

  • AIDA Cruise Ship

    Green cruise development in the North Sea Region


    ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS POSE the biggest challenge for the cruise sector today. Cruise ports must ensure they have the required reception facilities and can equip themselves to support a shoreside supply of LNG.

  • The solution of carbon neutralisation  for cruising passengers

    Meeting customer concerns over greenhouse emissions


    Cruising continues to be attractive for consumers with the European markets having experienced a year on year increase of passenger numbers for many years.

  • Seb Doderer: “Promoting the North Sea Region while ensuring it will represent a beacon for sustainable cruise”

    North Sea sustainability: New area, new responsibility


    High growth rates in European cruise tourism have been recorded in particular for the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas – but the North Sea Region has so far not been recognised as a major cruise destination in its own right. However, this is something that is about to change.

  • Cruise Gateway’s partners - some large, some small

    Variety is key


    Cruise Gateway’s partners include some heavy-hitting partners from the sector – such as Kiel, Rotterdam, Bremen, Hamburg and Harwich. But they also include ports such as Esbjerg and Aberdeen, who are starting to build steadily on the advantages they offer the cruise sector.

  • News

    Harbour Masters Committee launch “The Chain” video


    GreenPort 2010 will be the first event where the video production “The Chain” is shown to a large audience. Through “The Chain”, the European Harbour Masters’ Committee are aiming to create awareness of the effects of individual operations on the nautical chain, and of the importance of sharing information and ...