All articles by Isabelle Ryckbost – Page 2

  • Isabelle Ryckbost

    Ecoports: The EU port’s environmental initiative turns 20


    2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the Ecoports network. What started in 1997 as a separate initiative of a number of ports proactive in the field of environment evolved over the years towards a solid network of around 100 European ports within ESPO.

  • Isabelle Ryckbost

    The climate is changing, but are ports?


    Energy consumption has become second in the ESPO top 10 ranking of environmental priorities of European ports published this spring and they’’re realising that more than ever, tackling climate change is also their concern.

  • Container loading at an inland port.

    The role of inland ports in urban logistics: back to basics


    We all learned in our history lessons that medieval towns were set up on the river banks or at the crossing of two waterways. This is not without any reasons, at that time, water was the only way to bring goods to the town and the only way to run ...

  • Inland Waterways

    The role of inland ports in urban logistics: back to basics


    We all learned it in our history lessons that medieval towns were set up on the river banks or at the crossing of two waterways. This is not without any reasons, at that time, water was the only way to bring goods to the town and the only way to ...

  • Isabelle Ryckbost

    Inland ports finally gain recognition on European network


    After a long battle, the importance of inland facilities to multi-modal freight is being recognised by inclusion in the Trans-European Transport Network (TENT-T), although there’s still concern about achieving true parity when it comes to implementation.

  • Isabelle Ryckbost

    White paper is short of short ambition


    Despite some far reaching and interesting plans, the recent EU Transport White Paper “lacks ambition” on the issue of short and medium distance freight.

  • Waste barge being loaded

    Urban mobility: a question of balance


    Inland ports can play an important role in offering sustainable solutions for urban mobility in and around towns and decongesting European towns. Last autumn, the European Commission adopted an Action Plan on Urban Mobility. The Action Plan proposes 20 concrete measures to help local, regional and national authorities achieve their ...