A Tale of Resilience, Innovation & Sustainability

The place - Canada, a historic moment birthed a transformative partnership with SAMSON Materials Handling.

The project at hand aimed to address not only the immediate need for improved import intake capacity but also a deep-seated commitment to long-term sustainability within the facility’s operations.

After meticulous negotiations and discussions, both parties found common ground, leading to the signing of a contract that would change the course of this project. An Eco-Hopper, which had long sat dormant, was now destined for a new life in Canada increasing the fleet from two to three.

Two Eco-Hoppers exceeded expectations, third wanted.
Fate brought a dormant Eco-Hopper back to life in Canada.
Collaboration, adaptability, and unwavering sustainability at its best.

Discover the SAMSON Eco Hopper: A Green Innovation!
Dust Control for cleaner surroundings.
Efficient Dust Control for reduced costs and no material loss.

About SAMSON Eco Hoppers

Cost-effective and environmentally friendly import hoppers for efficient intake of dry bulk materials

The SAMSON Eco Hopper is an ecologically sensitive solution fulfilling all needs for the efficient import of dry bulk cargoes. The hoppers are designed to suit the characteristics and flow properties of virtually any bulk material. Rates of 5,000 tons per hour may be achieved, subject to grab crane performance. The throughput of the terminal can be increased by adding one or more hoppers, and ensuring that onward handling systems can accommodate the increased capacity.

For further information:
W: Samson Materials Handling | T: +44 (0) 1353 665001
E:  sales@samson-mh.com | E:  spares@samson-mh.com