Don’t delay! You have just one week to submit your abstract and secure a place on the programme for GreenPort Congress & Cruise, hosted by Port of Lisbon from 18-20 October 2023.
Companies, organisations and individuals are invited to put forward a 250-word abstract by 31st March on the following topics:
Climate Change: Energy efficiency, GHG emissions reduction & adaptation – How ports, shippers and the logistic chain are taking steps to become compliant with climate legislation, the reduction of carbon emissions and increase the resilience of port infrastructure.
Green Bunkering and Offshore Renewables - Discussing the challenges and options of safe bunkering operations, offshore renewable energy and protecting the marine environment
Waste Management and Circular Economy – Considering the implementation of Port Reception Facilities Directives, discounts for sustainable waste management, waste generated by port-based activities and reusing a majority of waste material.
Carbon Neutral Ports – Exploring cooperation between all port operators to reduce CO2 emissions and what actions can be taken to become carbon neutral.
Blue Growth – Including how ports can play an important role as hubs of energy and nodes for the blue economy and how to sustainably use ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs whilst also preserving the health of ocean ecosystem.
Infrastructure Development– How to successfully improve infrastructure for both cargo and cruise whilst also remaining sustainably efficient. Taking into consideration freight and supply chain development and cruise stakeholder networks.
Digitalization and Technology– Considering process improvement and how digitalisation plus equipment and technology can be used for further improvement of the port operations and monitoring and to logistics chain as a whole.
Good practice management options - How can port managers integrate environmental, social and governance considerations and guarantee the “license to operate”? What practicable methodologies have been applied or are being developed? Is certification the way forward?
Sustainable Development – How can ports give their contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?
Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should be sent, with a biography of the speaker, headshot photo and logo, to conference producer Josie Gilchriest by 31st March to be considered for by the programme committee. Preference will be given to case study based abstracts/presentations from ports, terminals, liner companies and suppliers demonstrating good practice.
Port of Lisbon is the third-largest port in Portugal, visited by more than 2000 vessels every year and has a container capacity of more than 1Million TEU. Its 14 terminals, that handled more than 11 million tons in 2022, allow the port to receive different types of cargo: containers, liquid, and solid bulk and breakbulk and offers a complete network of connections with the main ports of the world.