Projects & Initiatives – Page 9
Expanding shore-based power
Two electrical substations will enable all ships docking at Valencia to use shore power
Soil cleanup and recycling
A remediation project has been completed at a former Belgian power plant
Electric vehicle trial
The UK’s Humber Marine Pilots are trialling a fleet of electric vehicles to reduce carbon footprint
Emission-free push boat
The ’world’s first’ push boat combines battery-electric propulsion with hydrogen fuel cell technology
Green strategy plan
DP World has made a number of commitments focusing on sustainability and the environment
Europe pushes shore power
European ports and Interferry have agreed to prioritise onshore power for the ferry sector
Maritime Innovation Week
The Port of Tyne has created its first ever Maritime Innovation Week to help ports across the UK achieve their emissions targets
Decarbonisation opportunities
Significant economic gains are to be made from decarbonising the shipping industry and the creation of alternative fuels
IAPH Sustainability Awards
Winners of the awards included a blue carbon ecosystem strategy and a marine debris collection project
Chemical tanker shoreside study
A six-month study into the feasibility of shoreside power for chemical tankers will be used to determine an agreed international standard
Bolloré Ports’ green terminal
Aware of its impact on the environment, ten years ago Bolloré Ports implemented a process to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and adopt a more ethical approach, says Olivier de Noray, ports and terminals managing director of Bolloré Ports
Supply chain sustainability
The ports of Antwerp and Cotonou in Benin are on a mission to ensure supply chains are sustainable in the long term
Pioneering carbon capture
A European carbon capture project is helping one port take the next step towards halving its CO2 footprint
Maximising climate resilience
Extreme weather is a major threat to operations, but ports and harbours can maximise their climate resilience, writes Suba Sivandran, managing director, Asia, BMT
Digital twin technology
In this article, Sophie Peachey, head of customer success at IOTICS, explains how digital twin technology at one port is helping shape a greener maritime future
Polluted site redevelopment
Redevelopment at one EU port has restored valuable river and provided flood protection
Packaging reuse
The logistics sector is being encouraged to swap single-use plastics for more sustainable options
Green barge service
A new barge service aims to provide sustainable and reliable transport on the Upper Rhine
€1bn green investment
The Port of València is investing more than €60 million over five years in alternative energy projects as part of its €1bn sustainability strategy