Regulation & Policy – Page 10

  • Figure 1.

    Managing and monitoring fugitive dust emissions


    Sef van den Elshout* and Ernest Vrins* explain how fugitive dust emissions can be managed and monitored in a port area using real-time particulate matter measurements

  • page-75a.jpg

    BPA spotlight on port policy and sustainable development


    This year’s British Ports Association conference was hosted by the Milford Haven Port Authority. The Conference focused on UK Transport Policy, Port Markets and Sustainable Development. Kate Royston reports.

  • Correct management and assessment of air quality

    Air quality: top of the environmental agenda?


    Scientific research into air pollution at ports and climate change was top of the agenda at the HAQCC 2008 conference in Rotterdam, organised earlier this year. Sef van den Elshout of the DCMR Environmental Protection Agency in Rijnmond, reports.

  • News

    IMO meeting adopts revised ship emissions regulations


    The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) unanimously adopted amendments to the MARPOL Annex VI regulations to reduce harmful emissions from ships even further, when it met in October for its 58th session at IMO’s London ...

  • Port of Cork

    Safety and Environmental Management Certification


    IPSEM is a voluntary standard of practice and a certification scheme, developed by Bureau Veritas, for the management of safety and environmental protection in ports