Alexander Prahl, Head of Sales and Contracting at TAILWIND Shipping Lines c/o LIDL International confirmed to join Coastlink lineup.

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Initially launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to secure supply chains, TAILWIND Shipping now has a fleet of nine vessels with capacities ranging from 920 to 6,800 TEU.

TAILWIND’s strategy focuses on calling at smaller ports near major trading hubs and helps to avoid long waiting times often associated at larger ports, ensuring higher reliability and punctuality in their deliveries. 

Alexander Prahl has been with TAILWIND since November 2022. With experience spanning from Bengal Tiger Line to EUROGATE Group, Alexander Prahl will share his insights into developing sustainable multimodal logistics networks and the priorities of shippers for greening the value chain.

Don’t miss the chance to hear from Alexander Prahl in the ‘What Shippers Want’ panel.  

See the provisional programme here.

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