Call for Papers

Interested in speaking at Coastlink 2025?

Companies, organisations, and individuals are invited to submit abstracts relating to our session topics.

Coastlink 2025 – the Short Sea Shipping and Sustainable Logistics Network - will continue to discuss and debate all the latest developments affecting the short sea shipping, ports, and the logistics sectors.

Taking place on 29 & 30 April 2025, Coastlink 2025 will be hosted by the Port of Bilbao – The leading port for the Atlantic route.

As the market adapts to the changing pressures of environmental sustainability, customer demand, regulation, and technology and innovation, Coastlink continues to promote collaboration and the benefits of strong industry networks in defining future growth.


Following the successful event in the Port of Amsterdam in 2024, we now invite interested speakers to put forward their abstract submissions for next year’s event. During the 2-day conference, the session topics & panel discussions will include a wide range of topics. Full details of the call for papers for the 2025 event will be available soon.

Previous topics addresssed at Coastlink:

  • Emerging Opportunities for Short Sea Shipping – How is the market adapting to economic & market pressures to sustain future growth.
  • Ports as Enablers – Facilitating the Energy Transition for Shipping & the Supply Chain.
  • Green corridors – collaboration to drive sustainable growth.
  • Advancing supply chain resilience & embracing the benefits of modal shift.
  • Smart operations & logistics - What’s next in Digitalisation, Automation, and Innovation to drive efficiency?
  • Shore Power – Overcoming the barriers to infrastructure and delivery.


Companies, organisations, and individuals are invited to submit abstracts relating to our session topics.

Abstracts should be approximately 250 – 300 words and submissions should include a biography and headshot photo of the Speaker.

Further information on call for papers for the 2025 event will be available soon…

If you are interested in speaking opportunities for the 2025 event please contact Sally Wattam at

Coastlink brings together the EU & UK communities of ports and port authorities, shipping lines, agents, and shippers, together with multimodal and logistics experts, cargo handlers, terminal operators, industry associations and freight forwarders. All with a common goal to increase collaboration and efficiency in global supply chains.

For information on attending, or sponsoring Coastlink 2025 please call the team on +44 1329 825335 or email

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