The ports of Bilbao, Amsterdam and Duisburg are actively working on the development of a green corridor between the Basque region, Amsterdam and Rhine-Ruhr area.

2024-02-05Port of Amsterdam - Ondertekening MoU Port of Bilbao

As part of two official visits of His Majesty King Willem Alexander to Spain and Germany in June and November 2023, Port of Amsterdam, Duisport and Port of Bilbao have strengthened their partnership in developing a green corridor for renewable hydrogen and its derivatives. In their endeavor to establish direct linkages between the regions, the ports have formed partnerships between a selected group of market parties, who are actively involved in the development of various projects on the production, storage and distribution of renewable hydrogen and synthetic fuels.

In line with the European Union’s aim to develop intra-European corridors, the aim of the partners is to bolster the trilateral collaboration between Spain, the Netherlands and Germany in the field of renewable hydrogen, as well as to lay the groundwork for intra-European corridors, with Spanish producers potentially supplying end-users located in Europe’s largest industrial region via the Netherlands.

Therefore, the initial agreement between Port of Bilbao, Petronor, EVE, Zenith Energy Terminals, SkyNRG and Evos Amsterdam was extended with Europe’s largest inland port, Duisport, during the King’s working visit of to North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) in November 2023.

The collaboration between the partners has a unique character, with the three ports functioning as renewable energy hubs within a wider European network. By working closely with strategic partners such as Alba/Petronor, a subsidiary of Repsol, EVE, the Energy Agency of the Basque Government, as well as energy storage companies Zenith Energy and Evos, the consortia combines all relevant disciplines needed for conducting a detailed analysis on methods of transportation, release & storage, as well as distribution of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives.

In recent months, several working groups have been formed to foster synergies between the individual projects taking place in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany. During the upcoming trade mission to Bilbao beginning of March, delegations from both, Germany and the Netherlands will continue their interactions on a strategic level with partners from the Basque Region.

Thanks to the active involvement of various public and private stakeholders, the joint initiatives are gradually progressing and even more projects will be commenced in the course of this year.

2024-02-05Port of Amsterdam - rso231114-02-1337(Foto Land NRW, Ralph, Sondermann) (1)

Article supplied by the Port of Amsterdam

Coastlink 2024 will be hosted by the Port of Amsterdam from 24-25 April. Join representatives from the Port of Amsterdam, and Gold Sponsor - Bilbao Port Authority - at this year’s conference. Want to learn more about the latest developments on Green Corridors? Learn from our panels of experts at this year’s event.

To secure your place, simply book online using the Early Bird Code - CLKEARLYPREM.