The provisional programme for the 18th GreenPort Congress & Cruise is out now!

Hosted by the Port of Lisbon, GreenPort Congress & Cruise will take place from 18-20 October in Lisbon, Portugal.

This year’s programme focusing on balancing environmental challenges with economic demand features a first day of parallel Congress and Cruise sessions on 18 October, followed by a second Congress day on 19 October, focussed exclusively on the issues affecting commercial ports and terminals.

The opening keynote session will cover: Climate Change: Energy efficiency, GHG emissions reduction & adaptation, and currently this all female high-level panell includes Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General , ESPO, Nicolette van der Jagt, Director General, CLECAT and Isabel Moura Ramos, Executive Board Member, Port of Lisbon Authority, more will be announced shortly. The risks to Ports, Shipping & the Logistics from climate change are increasing. This panel will discuss options available to combat these risks hearing from ports, shippers, and companies across the maritime industry.

A panel of experts including Richard WIllis, Technical Director Port Operations & Technology, RoyalHaskoningDHV, Miika Murremäki, Head of Digital Solutions, Kalmar, Pablo Galán, Head of Business Development, e-nquest and a representative from S5 Agency World will be presenting on Digitalization and Technology and discussing process improvement and how digitalisation plus equipment and technology can be used for further improvement of the port operations and monitoring and to logistics chain as a whole.

The conference will offer 2 days of sessions and streams which will include informative presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops and audience participation and a technical visit on the final day. As well as the exclusive launch of both the ESPO Environmental report and the ECO SLC Environmental Report.

Further topics that are included within the programme featuring speakers from the European Maritime Safety Agency, Fórum Oceano - Portugal Blue Economy Cluster and Cavotec are:

  • Shore Power
  • Waste Management and Circular Economy
  • Blue Growth
  • Offshore Renewables & Alternative Energies

View the programme here and book now to take advantage of our early bird offer which enables you to 20% off both Combined and Cruise delegate passes.

For more information contact the team on +44 1329 825335 or email Book online and use the discount code GPCEARLY for discounts on Combined rates and GPCrEARLY for discounts on Cruise rates.